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Therapy for Therapists Group

We’ve read the statistics, we’ve had wellness and self-care shoved down our throats by professors and our places of employment. We know that there is a high prevalence of burnout for those of us in the helping professions. (SEE ARTICLE HERE).

Regardless, we aren't doing much about it (why don’t we load up on some more guilt there!) whether for lack of time, resources, etc. What I know to be true, is true connection and understanding is challenging when it comes to being a therapist. We help others day after day and not many people “get” what we experience on a daily basis.

My hope in this offering is to provide each of us a community of support, one that will “get” you and share in your triumphs and in your suffering. My hope as you leave group is to feel uplifted, connected, and refreshed.

Criteria to Join the Group:

Licensed as a professional helper of any kind (social worker, counselor, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, applied behavior analyst—- if you aren’t sure if you “fit” in one of these categories, reach out).

Currently working in the field, in some capacity (meaning, “professional helping” is one of your jobs)

Other Important Information:

The group will meet for 10 weeks beginning in January and ending in May. Date and Time to be announced (please email your interest and we will try to accommodate all interested parties).

200.00 for the full 10 week group, or you can pay as you go 30.00 per session.

See “Marketplace” to Purchase

January 20

No Rest for the Weary Group