The practitioners of The Wellife, LLC have created several therapeutic worksheets tailored to help those in suffering. To extend the life of some of the worksheets we have used in the past, it was decided to share a collection of resources on our website to be utilized by others.
These therapy worksheets are to be used in coordination with therapy, as a support resource for other mental health practitioners to improve their treatment, and as a way to meet individual treatment needs for motivated people. It is important to note that none of the materials under our "Resources" tab are intended to replace actual professional counseling.
These resources are also copyrighted under
Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, ShareAlike license.
This means you are free to download, copy, share, modify, and disseminate them as long as you cite us as the original source, share the resources under the same license conditions mentioned above, and do not distribute commercially. If you wish to reference these resources, we ask that you link to the original documents rather than host them on your preferred online medium, (e.g.